Research >

Connecting with Researchers Focusing on Profound Autism

We believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of progress.

Profoundly autistic individuals possess unique abilities and challenges that demand specialized attention. We foster partnerships with researchers who work to develop innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for individuals with profound autism and their families.

If your research includes people with profound autism, please fill out the form below to have your study posted on our website. Our staff will review all studies before posting on the website. Forms that are not completed correctly or have insufficient information will not be published.

Submitter Information
Study Information
Study Recruitment Details

IRB Study/Protocol Approval

research indicates that only 6% of studies include people with profound autism.

We believe that autistic people who require lifetime, 24/7 care can and should be included in research.
Their health and quality of life matter.
We are committed to supporting researchers dedicated to this underserved population's meaningful inclusion. 

Questions? Please email us at [email protected]

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