Advocacy >

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No one understands profound autism better than those who live with it every day.

When people share their stories with lawmakers, they play a critical role in shaping legislation that affects our community. As a constituent, your voice carries significant weight with your representatives in Washington DC.

Whether you are a caregiver, educator, direct service provider, family member, or a concerned community member, your voice and story matter. Please take a moment and share your real-life experience with profound autism with your representatives in Washington DC.  It is so important that they gain an understanding of what profound autism truly is.

SHARE YOUR Story with legislators

Currently, Congress is considering the reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act. As funding for autism research has increased over the past two decades, the portion of it that relates to profound autism has decreased. This disparity has devastating consequences for autistic people who require lifetime, 24/7 care. Unfortunately, most members of Congress are unaware of this.

With your help, we can change that.

Advocate for Inclusion in Autism CARES


Sibling voices are powerful. Join other siblings virtually or in person for our PAA Sibling Hill Day. 

Sibling Hill Day

To stay current moving forward, please ensure you are part of our growing advocacy movement. Sign up to receive our advocacy messages or write to your legislators to let them know your experiences. 

SIGN UP for advocacy alerts

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us at [email protected]

As part of our Profound Autism Advocacy Network:

  • You will build relationships with other advocates from across the country.
  • We will provide ongoing training, resources, and support. 
  • You can participate virtually in most instances, which is perfect for caregivers who find it hard to get out of the house.

Join the profound autism advocacy network


Take Action