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Profound Autism Action Alerts

No one understands profound autism better than those who live with it every day.

As a constituent, your voice carries significant weight with your representatives in Washington, DC. Please see our current action alerts below. 

People with profound autism require lifetime, 24/7 care. Many are struggling due to the lack of Medicaid funding for the services they depend on for their very survival. Please help us ensure that leaders in Washington don't make things worse for our population through arbitrary cuts.

Take Action Here

Last updated February 24, 2025. Please check back often.

The 2025 legislative session in Texas is in full swing. Please use the link below to take action to address the huge staffing needs for Texans with profound autism. It only takes a moment and can truly make a difference.

Take Action Here

Last updated February 19, 2025. Please check back often.

The 2025 legislative session in Connecticut is in full swing. Please take a moment to take action using the link below. It only takes a moment and can truly make a difference for people with profound autism.

Take Action Here

Last updated February 18, 2025. Please check back often.

The 2025 legislative session in Indiana is in full swing. Please use the link below to take action to address potential Medicaid cuts that will dramatically affect those with profound autism.

Take Action Here

Last updated February 19, 2025. Please check back often.


People with profound autism should be included in research, services, and supports. Unfortunately, their inclusion has diminished over the years, resulting in fewer and fewer resources for this struggling population.

A simple and effective first step in recognizing them and their unique needs is to familiarize state officials with the new term, profound autism.

One way to accomplish this is through a profound autism day proclamation. We've made it very simple for you to ask your state legislator to issue a profound autism day proclamation at the link below.


Ask Your Legislator For A Proclamation Here


Please take a moment to join in this effort. If enough people make this simple request, we can easily accomplish this in all fifty states. Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]