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The Dignity Project


At Profound Autism Alliance, we know that families living with profound autism, as well as the dedicated individuals who provide care and support, often find themselves in the shadows. Through The Dignity Project, we believe it's time to bring these stories to the light.

Every Smile, Every Struggle

"I celebrate every single smile, laugh, word uttered, and success on the toilet. This is our world and we take nothing for granted."

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Understanding Will

"I am the mother of three boys with autism. While I dislike attaching more labels to my children, my boys are Levels 1, 2 and 3. My household, to say the least, is the definition of why autism encompasses a spectrum. My middle son, William, presents the most "severe" and is 13 years old, non-speaking, and struggles with self injurious behavior."

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Between School and What’s Next

"Rory is very smart, but minimally verbal. She isn’t enrolled in general education classes, but has significant academic strengths. She is a planner and loves having a schedule. She has behavioral issues, which are mostly controlled these days through medication but are not completely eradicated. The uncertainty of what is coming next for her is causing significant anxiety resulting in self-injurious behaviors and incidents of her lashing out in frustration. This is not something that employers are looking for."

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Unveiling the Invisible

"As a mother and advocate, I hope our community leaders can consider the realities of families like ours. Autism is not a monolith; it presents uniquely in each individual. What we ask for is not preferential treatment, but rather the flexibility to make essential services accessible to all. If our policies can evolve to embrace this understanding, we can alleviate unnecessary hardships and truly honor the dignity of every individual affected by autism."

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The Dignity Project

We invite you to share your story with us. By doing so, you help us shine a spotlight on the realities of profound autism, fostering greater understanding and compassion. Your experiences will be shared in a way that is always respectful, ensuring the dignity of those living with profound autism is protected.

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